Your content should focus on providing value that an employee can bring to their manager or a manager to their executive.
The content is so value-driven that it isn’t engaging anymore. Every piece of content looks like a sales pitch.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to sell your product. But if that becomes your only message, no one wants to read it.
So how do you add value to your content without beating readers over the head with all the reasons your product will make them money?
So, engage your readers with a story. You can’t expect readers to share your content with their manager or executive if they fall asleep while reading it.
Engaging your readers with a great story is important, but the goal of any piece of content should be to move your reader from point A to point B to eventually convert.
Your content should move them through the sales funnel.
Every piece of content you write can’t be only about solving a particular problem;
at some point, you have to explain to your client what makes your product valuable and stand out from all your competitors’.
One of the most undervalued platforms for that is guest blogging.
When people see your brand in more than one location, it builds brand recognition.
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